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Everything posted by Mokrator

  1. Hello all, last time i played in english, since then, the update 1.4 came out. Now suddenly my game is in a very bad translated german (like to enter a building there is a button that means something like "insert text here" And something that's really annoying any Item-Name is translated into german - i have no idea which item i should choose as i only know the german names - or having a question on the community - do you know what a "funke" is? As people of different languaged may play together or interact in communies, it is very difficuilt to explain somebody which parts he might use if you don't know how the part is named in his localization. It would be very nice to keep the names for everybody the same. Where can i change the language back to english? Thanks and kindly regards, Rene
  2. Hello, thank you for the answer. I completed the mission with the debug menu after nor a option to run a test appeared or using the separator completed the mission.
  3. I have a contract which literly don't get completed. "Test TR-2C Stack Separator landed at minmus" I have seen a "Test XYZ" option on a item i needed to test when i matched the test-conditions. I don't see a "test" button in one of the stack seperators. The Contract has 2 conditions: Landed and Minmus. I am at Minmus and i am landed (both has green marks). I have 2 of the stack separators on board - one really build in another stage and one at the top of the rocket. https://photos.app.goo.gl/L4hQUh0hobHOkD0W2 Currently my attempt to upload any picture to my new created account on imgur.com failed with Chrome, Firefox and Edge - no luck today...
  4. Thanks for some new hints - it's german by the way. On a airplane i did not have problems with electric charge yet - fly to the target, parachute the plane in terrain and roll around with the plane to Measure/Crewreport the ground targets... I needed some minutes to find how to stop a rolling plane ( with B ) and the frontweels have no brakes. But does somebody know how to increase Pilot XP or where to get the ability to plan orbits better?
  5. Hi there, i am quite new to this game. did not find yet - maybe somebody helps me here: i can not click on the orbs of a vessel to create maneuver plans or align orbits. (pilots Level? Development of a buildin?) i saw a youtube video and bought the game imidiate. The wiki-page for the Career mode is (only english) very lets say "short"... There are many things i figured out the hard way and much more i don't know. 1) Something i missed when i did not read all hints (maybe there was no hint) that i should take a look at mission control to accept missions if i am able to do them. I really run out of money before i randomly found that small building. 2) I would not like to cheat or do stupid things "just because they give most science". Some science-runs on kerbal might be better done with an airplane rather than with a rocket - it is really hard to aquire a stable flight with a rocket but with enough parashutes you can touch down with a small craft and even make the EVA science or any mission with < 10000m targets. (and for groundtargets, you can roll arround between the the 3 objectives)
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