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Everything posted by KyloKerb

  1. Hi, what do you think of in the game you could build engines with ready-made parts such as nozzles, combustion chambers, tubes, turbines etc. There would be two new buildings in KSP where you could build and test engines. The system could also include the ability to create non-standard parts using sliders, such as width, shape, height and pressure in the combustion chamber, reducer to oxidizer ratio, etc. We could then build our own engines that would be stored in game files. The engine would be saved as a model file and a parameter file. The system would also contain restrictions that would make it impossible to build completely unreal engines, for example if something is too much or too little the engine will not start or explode. We could test the motors in a special building where the engines could run and check their performance. I'm aware that it's hard to do but definitely possible. I'm sorry for language errors, but I'm using Google Translate
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