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Everything posted by St4ticrock

  1. The "final" update was pushed to PC players in June of 2021 and console players still haven't received it. Have the Devs forgotten about it or deemed it not important enough? I love this game to bits and have done for many years, but having to wait over a year for a major update like this is not great, to say the least. I know how hard the teams have been working on KSP 2 and I'm beyond excited to see everything that's new and improved, but as an Xbox player I'm rapidly loosing confidence that I'll be able to try it anytime soon with how console timelines were and are handled with the original game.
  2. so im not the only one with this issue? also I have already uninstalled and re installed and it had no effect on the issue. therefore I have no game saves left on the game.
  3. I play on Xbox and about a week ago my copy of ksp stopped working. The problem is with the start menu. When the game has loaded the "start game" button is not selected in white as it used to be. This means I cannot play the game as I can't even select the start game button.
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