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  1. I want to make my ksp more beautiful but I tried to install scatters but my pc isnt that good so the game started to lag so I uninstalled it, so I installed EVE but when I got close to eve it starts to lag, so someone know some mod that makes ksp more beatiful or do you know how do I stop the game lagging when using scatters or EVE?
  2. I want to play with the Galileo's Planet Pack but I dont know how I install modpacks on the game. Can you help me?
  3. No but Im trying to solve the problem, I think Im gonna start the Ksp fresh
  4. How can I get a clean copy of Ksp? reason: The game is crashing every time I try to open it
  5. I tried googling it but this just make me more confused I didnt understand almost nothing, I think its because my english is bad I can understand if you dont want, but you can explain to me? If you dont want its just awnser no
  6. I have already deleted everything in my gamedata folder except the squad folder but it continues to crash
  7. I dont think I have never did a backup in my game, and in my gamedata folder its only the squad folder I excluded everything else, but thanks to the tip I will never install mods via twitch anymore, Im sorry but how can I install a fresh copy of ksp?
  8. Yesterday I was downloading some mods via twitch, so I wanted to test them and when the game finished to load it crashed, I couldnt reach the title screen, so I unistaled the mods, but when I tried to open the game it continued to crash, so now I cant start the game without it crashing, I dont know what to do, can you help me?
  9. I am having trouble with some "mods", heres the story, weee story time, a tragic story Yesterday I was downloading some mods via Twitch, so I wanted to test them and I openned the game,but the game crashed after it loads, so I uninstalled the mods to see if the game stoped crashing but every time I tried to open the game it crashed after it fineshed to load, I couldnt reach the title screen, now I cant play ksp, do you know how can I talk to the devellopers of the game? becaus every time it crashes it appears "please report this bug to the devellopers" (my version is 1.3.1)
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