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Everything posted by _Thomato

  1. Okay, I just joined KSP today. I've been tinkering around for quite a few hours now, and I just made my first SSTO mission. I got into orbit around 45,000 Meters, flew for 15 minutes, then landed in a hilly place in the middle of nowhere. Surprisingly, the SSTO was really easy to fly. However, this SSTO does not have enough fuel to get out of gravity's pull. I'm gonna call it the JebWorks Leviathan I. I'm probably going to add a few more fuel tanks, though. It's a real gas guzzler. Here's the things I might add to it. -Mining Drills -Extra Fuel tanks -Convert-O-Tron -A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S.
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