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Zieke Matroos

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Everything posted by Zieke Matroos

  1. In my experience there has always been a small bump when loading or time-warping a craft on the surface. It is only now that I had a rover jump +-200m from the surface. Said rover was parked on a 30 degree incline on Bop. I managed to halve the jump height to about 100m by spamming the escape button when loading the craft. (Which luckily enabled me to finally land it without bits exploding.) During the pause of the escape menu I could see the wheels (TL-2R wheels) sink in the ground for about 60% before the jump. Another rover of mine on Ike landed at a 2 degree incline only jumped 2m upon loading. Having said that, the 2 rovers differ immensely in terms of weight. The Bop truck is about 35-40 tons and the Ike rover about 10-15 tons I guess. Both use the TL-2R Ruggedized Vehicular Wheels. (Bop=16wheels Ike=4wheels). EDIT: Did some testing with the beforementioned Bop Rover. I loaded 2 saves which allowed me to test the rover at +-45 tons and at +-60 tons and did 5 quickloads on different levels of inclination on Bop. This is supposed to give some insight on the effects of inclination and mass of parked rovers/wheeled outposts and their jumps upon quickloading. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-45 tons 10° -3x No noticable bump. -2x Front wheels jump 2m. 15° -4x 3m-6m jump. -1x 12m jump. 20° -1x front wheels jump 3m. -4x jump 14-18m. 25° -180m jump. I stopped after this since it would take quite some time driving the rover up the hill over and over. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +- 60 tons 10° -2x No noticable bump. -3x Front wheels jump 2m. 15° -1x No noticable bump. -4x 3m jump. 20° -1x Front wheels jump 2m. -4x 10m jump. 25° -1x 100m jump. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know this data doesn't prove anything. It's just meant to help you prevent your rover/wheeled outpost jump in the air upon quickloading. Also I don't have any knowledge of game mechanics or anything more than basic physics so I probably can't interpret this data to its full extent. All I can do is give some advice. Quick-saving/-loading above a 15° inclination is ill advised. (The jump height seems to grow exponentially after 15°) Time warping tends to have the same effect as quickloading but to a much lesser degree (Less than half the height in my experience). Installing some small engines at your center of mass allows for a soft landing in case of tremors. Save your game before landing on the celestial body of choice and/or before climbing hills. Lower weight might lead to higher jumps. (But there's little evidence to back this and let's be honest. You're not gonna make your vessel twice as heavy just so it jumps less high in case of tremors. Also due to gravity you'll still crash in the surface with about the same speed as a lightweight I guess.) TL;DR ONLY USE QUICKSAVE AND TIMEWARP WHEN LOWER THAN 5°. No mods were installed during this test. Rover was parked without SAS or RCS, only the brakes were active. Effects of drilling during tremors were not tested.
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