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  1. Thank you guys for the quick support. This was my first time on this forum and did not expect a reply so quickly. I will l check my TAC settings. Thanks you again.
  2. Hello everyone. My name in a agenor and I played quite a lot of ksp. But after a while I always stop playing because I can't find some nice mods to make a somewhat realistic duna mannen mission. I can't find any nice and reliable lifesupport mods. Can some help me out to find some reliable mods. I tried Tac life support before but it doesn't seem to work. Somehow running out of lifesupport doesn't kill the kerbals and in time warp or when I controling a other spacecraft the lifesupport values don't continue te calculate. Always at this point I stop ksp. And after a week I return for a complete new game. Already doing this for a few years now. And never got much further than minmus (shame)
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