How does the ILS works? on regular flight sims I usually setup the Nav radio with the ILS frequency, verify the Morse code that correspond to the navigation chart and start descend...however by doing this, and start my final descend using RMI to locate the beacon and keep lined to the runway and HSI set with ILS... nothing happens don't see horizontal and vertical lines moving indicating about height and orientation, just get a "Nav" flag inside the HSI ... Any additional steps to perform this? I've been using flight sims for long time ago, wanted to try kerbal and I loved, although is not a flight sim like XPLANE and MS flight simulator series , but it gives you the opportunity to create your own planes and spaceships with a a little bit of reality and love it.
Please let me know if there are documentation about panels or a way to setup the ILS, Great job with "Kerbin_AEROCHARTS-25-nov-2017.pdf" AMAZING!!!