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Everything posted by Metha_Chemista

  1. Hello ! I have some troubles with contracts. Sometimes the conditions of a contract are not updated. I don't see the green 'V' in front of some conditions when filled. I give you some examples : For the part testing contract ("Test x part at speed y and altitude z"), sometimes the speed or the altitude (or both) are not updated in the contract overlay when I complete the condition (I don't see the green 'V' in front of the condition), and I can smash the button "Run Test", the contract is never completed. For the part hauling contract, It happens that I don't have the condition "Haul part ...", and even the speed or altitude condition at time. For the satellite position contract, sometimes I don't have the condition "Build an unamed probe ..." at launch. For all the conditions, I can assure you that I am sure that I really fill them ! But they seems like frozen or not updated in the contract overlay. Someone have a solution ? Thank you Ksp version : 1.3.1 Mod installed : Mechjeb 2.6.1 & [x] science (for 1.3.1)
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