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Everything posted by riverturtle

  1. Has anyone had a problem with IFI and contract rescue missions? On some occasions, I've had the target pod immediately run out of all life support once it enters render range of the rescue craft. IFI recognized that the pod had life support prior to the mission. Upon revert, I tried the mission again, this time with the IFI window open. The target pod showed plenty of life support, and would immediately jump to zero once in render range, killing the kerbal. I was able to finally rescue the kerbal by changing the difficulty settings to prevent deaths. However, this has only happened twice thus far. In every instance, the rescue craft was the CKC 4-crew capsule, from Contares. Unfortunately, I had deleted the target pods as debris, and do not know which pods failed the test. I do know that they were two different kinds of craft, neither of them stock. Since that time, I’ve had multiple successful missions, with the target pods being from Contares, Tantares, or Wild Blue Industries. By chance, I haven’t had a contract where the kerbal was in a stock craft. I recall this happening about a year ago while using TAC, so I suspect the problem is not with IFI, but perhaps with some kind of mod conflict, or a mod craft which is not fully compatible with life support. I realize I'm missing the most critical piece (the type of craft in which life support would snap to zero), but maybe it will happen again and I can update this should that occur. Installed mods: [x] Science! Airplane Plus AnimatedDecouplers ASET AtmosphereAutopilot Augustus B9PartSwitch Bluedog_DB BorisSystem Chatterer Contares Corvus CTTP Discontinued Parts DmagicScienceAnimate DmagicUtilities DynamicBatteryStorage EVE EVO Extrasolar Firespitter GenericInlineCockpits GenesStar GPO HangarGrid IDFlags IFILS IndicatorLights JSI kdata KerbolOrigins Kopernicus KSPWheel LonesomeRobots MechJeb2 Mk2Expansion ModularFlightIntegrator NearFuture (Construction, Electrical, Launch, Propulsion, Solar) NEBULA Nereid (Final Frontier) OrbitalSurveyPlus OuterSpace PrakasaAeroworks REPOSoftTech Recycled Parts Tantares VanguardAstrodynamic VaporVent WildBlueIndustries (DSEV, MOLE)
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