@micha Hi ,First of all thank you for looking after this great little mod . I am experiencing problems detaching the Kees PEC from my ship and also the exposure plates themselves . if i right click on them there is an option to release them and when i do the exposure plate floats off but there is no option to "grab" it so i can put it into my inventory . Also there is an option to release the PEC but it does not release . If i equip the wrench (like i do to fix the PEC to the craft) to detach the PEC the little tool icon stays grey where it turns green on anything that i can detach i.e. the Kees PC that i used to carry the experiments in . Any help would be much appreciated as i would love to run this along with SEP .
I tried the plugin in the post above and it worked like a charm for me with KAC so thank you for that aswell!!