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Posts posted by putnamto

  1. finnally got my first probes to moho, and eve, the one on moho was fine and dandy, the one on eve.....not so much. i ran out of fuel when attempting an aerocapture and got stuck for quite a few passes, wouldnt have been so tedious  accept that i didnt have enough batteries on it to let it orbit over and over withought solar panels, so i had to open, close, open, close, open, close the panels. then finnally after the fiftieth pass under the blowtorch i was in the atmosphere, i celebrated to early and this happened.

    ......my last quicksave .........4 years ago.


  2. docked bob to my kerbin station, now im just need 40 more tech to get the mining equipment so i can put it to use.

    btw, never, EVER ask me to dock an asteroid to anything ever, it took over an hour of trial and error, turns out putting a docking port in line with the ship thats pushing the asteroid, but on the opposite of the asteroid is near impossible, thus making docking near impossible, not to mention the damn thing refused to fly a straight line and accellerated/decellerated like molasses.


  3. caught my first space potato and put it in a 100k kerbin orbit, only lost one solar panel, and only cursed the claw a few hundred times......i think thats an improvement
    now what to do with this potato though? i figure ill science it over every biome, then dock it to my kerbin station and mine fuel off of it to fund my interplanetary conquest. (sorry the image is dark, the sun was on the other side when i took the pic, and i always forget to put lights on my craft until i need them)

  4. added a fuel tank and docking module to my kerbin station, this station is in orbit for science, refuelling, and to act as a waiting area for launch windows. 

    the whole thing went up in this arrangedment due to COM issues, so i decoupled the tug for the station(it went up with the payload) and docked it to the top, then decoupled the top and moved it to the bottom, flew the thing to the station, docked, then decoupled the now bottom and recoupled it in its final resting place on the side of the station


  5. i noticed that if i save a booster with a robotic part as a subbasembly then load that subbassembly it breaks the vab almost entirely, mouse clicks do nothing and parts in the menu's grey out, i can still click to drop the part.....but it doesnt drop the part it just clicks, and trying attach the part does nothing.

    creating a new craft, and loading the sub with an empty vab breaks it even more, not allowing placing of certain parts(at random it seems) and not being able to left or right click with the mouse.

    i dont know if this is related to the booster being the subassembly, or the fact that it has a robotic part attached, but it weirded me out. the video is uploading now.


  6. I've been to eve before,  but never with comnet enabled,  I'm afraid I'm going to depart kerbing and then lose control of the ship due to being out of range. 

    I have a fully upgraded tracking station,  and three comnet "rings" one at KEO,  one at LMO,  and one slightly higher than minmus.  These all have Ra50 I think. 

    Can I just slap an ra100 on a pribe and throw it out their? 

  7. 7 hours ago, MR L A said:

    I've been experimenting with it and it is really fun to play that way. You do have to do a bit of tweaking with rewards/starting funds etc because it rapidly becomes either incredibly grindy or stupidly easy :) 

    Isn't their a way to make it so you buy individual parts from the tech tree instead of the whole node? 

  8. been playing around with robotics recently, and I came across a situation where it would be useful to use pistons as a kind of "shock absorber" 

    With the current game this is impossible(correct me if I'm wrong).

    So I suggest springs,  they would come in three lengths,  be surface attacheable and have a user set resistance. 

    Also would love to be able to lock translation controls relative to my frame of reference.  I can't tell you how many times I've destroyed my stations solar panels because my symmetrical ship was oriented the wrong way. 


  9. Trying to land at a specific spot on kerbin for seismic tests. 


    Flew the ship four times before I got close to the spot,  on the fourth attempt I remembered i was flying a retrofitted mun rover. (No chutes) 

    On the fifth attempt (now with 10% more landing capability)  I touch down 10km away... On mountains,  I'm up for the task though.... A few cliffhangers,  two broken weels and a lot of time later I reach the destination to find that I don't have the equipment on the ship.... 


    I stopped playing for the night after that. 

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