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  1. The structure is nice as well as the async feature. Being able to call vessel.autopilot.sas = true is much easier then doing something like autopilotId = getVesselAutoPIlot(vesselId) I'm going to see if the original owner of krpc-node would be interested in implementing such a structure in his library, given that krpc-node already has tests and is already established. Though his library generates the services before run time so that will be interesting.
  2. I managed to do something similar but without rewriting the whole thing. I just made all the calls return a promise instead of work off callbacks and then went from there. I'll check out your repo. Mabey its a step forward. I feel the current NodeJS KRPC library is to low level and hard to use, mainly because It lacks structure(hierarchy) of objects but this could be fixed by changing how the services files are generated.
  3. Thank you. I ask because it was not working for me. Turns out, you must switch from "TCP" to "Websockts" in the KRPC menu in Kerbal. I was also considering forking krpc-node and modifying it to make some of the operations to sync instead of async to avoid having chain functions to get anything done.
  4. Hello. On the KRPC documentation website, it states that the Node JS client requires using v0.4.0. Is this still true? The last update to the Node JS client was quite a while ago. Do you know what why? What is the Node JS client lacking? Thanks.
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