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  1. I am trying to build an interface to a control panel that uses joysticks to interface to KSP via the KRPC. I have everything working, reading the joystick values into a raspberry pi, and then having the pi connect to the KRPC server. I am trying to achieve a 10Hz or better rate for the controls. For my python code, I execute the calls on a loop. while(True): GetJoyStick() start = time.time() vessel.control.pitch = joystick_pitch vessel.control.yaw = joystick_yaw vessel.control.roll = joystick_roll vessel.control.thottle y= 1 vessel.control.forward = 0 vessel.control.right = 0 vessel.control.up = 0 end = time.time() print(end-start) I played around with some different settings in KRPC advanced settings in the KRPC interface, the best I could get was 45 RPC/sec. Here is a print statement of time for the update to occur as shown in the code above. Starting Controls/// 0.439182043076 0.435542106628 0.437279939651 0.441950798035 0.443905830383 0.400623083115 0.742579936981 0.438502073288 0.443440198898 0.435302972794 0.439296007156 0.623143196106 0.461045980453 0.442525863647 0.43900513649 0.439331054688 0.47675204277 0.439754962921 I am wondering if this is the best approach that I am taking. For a bank of switches, the rates are fine, but for joystick control, it can be a little laggy. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Tom
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