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  1. That's not a bad thing. It means something came up that they caught before release. Which is exactly what everyone crying in here has been crying they don't do well enough. I test software until the day it gets to a client site. Long after alpha and beta and RC phases have passed. A GA release of software can (and almost certainly will) still have bugs, and if it's big enough to not go out the door, a thirteenth hour catch is good. I'd rather delays than a game-breaking bug getting released and hosing my saves... wouldn't you? So, everyone's been QQ they should have caught these things. Now they catch something and push release and it's QQ they shouldn't have announced. Well, there's no perfectly bug-free software, and an infinite future release date is useless. You give a date based on the tail end of your project wrapping up, and sometimes things go awry. That's life. If it happens to companies paying tens of thousands of dollars for software, it's going to happen to folk paying $10 for DLC.
  2. Folk just want to complain. Saying that EE is “even more broken” than the initial console release is so utterly and demonstrably ridiculous that it isn’t even worth debating.
  3. Well, whether it’s free or “commercial” (which aren’t actually opposites anyway, but we’ll skip that) isn’t relevant. Software has bugs. Software has always had bugs and will always have bugs. I work for a large company that develops software for banks. That’s pretty mission critical. Various software can sell for tens of thousands of dollars plus licensing. Guess what? It all still has bugs. And as a QA Coordinator, of course I hate when bugs ship. But it’s also the nature of the beast. Microsoft has been making Windows in some form or another for decades. Guess what? Every version STILL has bugs. Every version in the future will also have bugs. And companies pay huge fees to license Windows for a thousand seats or more. Console development is more difficult than PC development, generally speaking. You have the benefit of a static platform, but the negatives of a semi-blackbox environment for dev and testing, and a lesser ability to provide patches on the fly. Porting a game to console from PC is harder still because you don’t have full access to the engineers that wrote it initially, and even when you do they often don’t know the ins and outs of the platform, In the end, if you find the game too big-riddled to play, I totally get not playing it. But this recent trend of crying about bugs in games in ridiculous. I’ve been a gamer for over thirty years now, and bugs have ALWAYS existed in games. Always, always, always. Being all hurt and angry because you paid $20 for a game that has issues is the height of insanity, in my opinion.
  4. I’m not sure how this is handled on PC, but on PS4 (and presumably Xbox), trying to control slider values is difficult, at best. The most obvious concern is precisely adding/removing fuel from tanks. Not only matching liquid fuel and oxidizer, but precisely controlling them as needed. I’ve got in the habit of just fiddling until it “close enough”, but that isn’t really ideal. Today it’s an issue of fairing sides. I don’t want “5.15” sides (why is this not whole values anyway?). But in all of these sliders, you can’t even reliably force a max or min value. Clicking at the very ends don’t necessarily push the slider there, and dragging doesn’t guarantee it either (maybe positional polling on sliders is really, really slow?). You can hold L1 to gain finer control, but it really just slows down movement. I’ve cranked my cursor speed down to 20, and while the cursor itself moves more slowly, the accuracy of the value is no different. It would be nice if L1/R1 and maybe even L2/R2 were modifiers for values. While holding X on the slider, holding L1 and moving slows it down like it does today. Holding R1 and moving changes the value in whole number steps. L2 and move changes in 0.1 steps. R2 and move changes in 0.01 steps. Or something along those lines anyway. Lastly, tracking across the screen would be nice. Once you leave the confines of the slide area, even while holding X, control tracking ceases. For consoles, or controllers in general, this is poor UX. Once X is being held on the slider itself, horizontal tracking should continue across the screen.
  5. Weird, my Kerbal EVA all the time - on bodies and in space. I must have a special copy of the game. I’m not saying there aren’t bugs. I’m not even saying that some folk don’t have issues with EVA. But it’s clearly not so broken that it’s unplayable because, well, people around the world play it every day on console. Like I said, all the hyperbole is useless. Have an issue? Report a bug. Ta da! If you want a flawless, bug free game, good luck. If you want a game that’s going to have weekly updates to fix things, only buy AAA titles with multi-million dollar budgets and loot boxes to cover the cost. if you want to play a game that’s actually unique and interesting, there are going to be trade-offs. That’s just how it is.
  6. I honestly don’t get all the crying here. Yeah, some updates and new modules would be sweet. Yeah, there are bugs (that’s how software works). But the game isn’t remotely “unplayable” and spouting hyperbole because you’re all QQ that you had a crash and lost a bit of progress is just... kinda sad. Console dev isn’t always easy. Supporting multiple platforms is rarely easy. Working dev across teams is never easy, especially with disparate roadmaps. its a good game. Enjoy it or don’t. But whining because it isn’t exactly what you want is useless.
  7. You can upvote the bug here: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/17040
  8. That’s great for manned flights you plan to bring back. But for a satellite or probe or other vessel not expected to return... I’m losing science and contracts because recovery isn’t an option and I don’t have enough Δv left to return the whole thing (nor is it designed for atmo).
  9. Yup - I have this prob some constantly when getting satellites around Minmus orbit or doing anything unmanned for long periods of time. It’s really pretty crappy, and makes career mode extremely frustrating. As a Kerbal n00b, I can spend 30-45 minutes getting into Minmus orbit for a contract only to lose all progress (and science sent back) because I can’t do anything but continue to fly that vessel forever. Tried: • Switching to another vessel from the map. • Going to Space Center or Tracking Station. • Quicksave and load (but cannot save). I’m not sure if the trigger is a lot of warping, a lot of time in space, or what - but really this type of thing should be caught by QA. This is on a PS4. I guess I’ll write up a bug if I can’t find one listed - though I hate submitting bugs without a root cause or steps to reproduce.
  10. I have also run into both of these issues, and more. If I use my rover to go around KSC to pick up science points, if I EVA out and recover my Kerbal then go to recover my vehicle, about 50% of the time, the vehicle is back on the pad with no science having been attained.
  11. I'm having an issue where time won't properly move forward at KSC. For example, I'm at the KSC and move time forward to the next morning. Then I go to the launchpad, pull my rover out and try to take it for a spin. At the launchpad it's the previous night (prior to my moving time forward). When I recover my vessel, it goes back to the main KSC view and it's that night still. I have a video here: Edit: I may have found the cause (still not 100% sure). Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a vehicle in the VAB that has more than 30 parts. 2. Go to the hangar, and open the vehicle. 3. Try to launch (while hanger cannot support more than 30 parts). 4. Remove parts to bring it down to 30. 5. Launch. Note that the original vehicle with more than 30 parts is brought out onto the runway. At this point, launching and recovering the vehicle, even repeatedly, doesn't wok properly. Science points aren't gained and time doesn't move forward. To fix: Open VAB and open or create a new vehicle, then launch it.
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