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  1. Great job on the new release @The White Guardian! I'll look into Unity's post-processing myself some day when I have free time, but I want to ask a few more questions about post-processing, namely the DoF. Like @Benji said above, DoF ought to be a dynamic system that sets the depth distance at a specified target. The target should be whatever's in the middle of the screen (something like how Minecraft shaders' DoF works). It'd be more interesting to see a target selection based on where the mouse is aiming at, ReShade (yet again) has an example of how that works, but I'd assume that's difficult to implement unless you have access to the shaders themselves. Also, is there bokeh support for the DoF? Currently, what I can see is that it just applies a general gaussian wherever is considered "out of focus", and while that is good enough I'd like to see some additional pizzazz by having the system highlight any points brighter than a given luminosity and applying bokeh to them. Does a Sharpen shader exist? Sharpening on top of FXAA/TAA/SMAA helps to make the image nice and crisp without "jaggies", thus reducing the "softness" any anti-aliasing (especially FXAA, that algorithm tends to oversoften things) might bring about. (Extending off of this, I guess it'd be possible to import other post-processing suites that Unity has, right? All the fancy stuff like CTAA and all that on the forums.) Last point, Alt+3 does "kill" all the effects, but it doesn't bring them back with another press. Is that an issue on my end? I do understand that scene changes should bring the effects back, but I don't really want to have to change scenes all the time. Thanks for all your efforts, and good luck on the in-game GUI! Looking forward to it.
  2. Ah, no, ReShade actually functions as a shader injector, rather than part of a host-supported post-processing suite. It's not a KSP mod nor is it even part of Unity, it's just a third-party application that draws over whatever's on the screen (more specifically the application it's hooked on to) overlaying its shaders like you would applying filters to a image in Photoshop or similar. As such, it affects pretty much all on-screen elements. It supports its more "high-tier" shaders like DoF, SSAO and various other depth-related tasks by extracting a depth map from the game (it can hook on to anything using DirectX/OpenGL) and applying the shaders from there. They don't work on some games because they have their depth map locked away (access to it means you can look through walls and stuff, so...). I don't think many people have tinkered with KSP + ReShade enough find out why the depth map isn't easy to extract, though some people have had luck in the past (not me!). Don't worry too much about a killswitch/toggle for each effect, it's just an idea. If you could get multiple profiles working, switching through them should be an easier-to-manage alternative. And good luck with the GUI! I bet you can get it done and up in no time! If you don't mind me throwing in yet another small request, have it function with sliders, kinda like the GUI for Distant Object Enhancement. It should be much more intuitive for anyone looking to jump in behind the hood and fiddle with things, because from my experience opening a GUI to a wall of numbers can get pretty intimidating.
  3. New member of the forum here, but I've lurked for a few years now. Decided to create an account so I could ask some things and express my appreciation for a mod like this. I've been looking for a ReShade alternative for KSP for quite a while, since ReShade doesn't work as well on KSP as I'd want it to (DoF and SSAO don't work, etc.) and draws over the HUD as well. So thank you so much for KS3P. It works flawlessly; better than I expected, with no impact on my system and gameplay at all. I was just wondering, can the shaders be linked to macros/hotkeys a la Reshade? For example, "/" would turn on/off DoF so I don't constantly play with it on, but can toggle it for pretty screenshots. A global toggle would be good as well, just so comparisons can be easily made. I'm very excited for an in-game GUI, it's one of my favourite features of ReShade allowing me to create configs on the fly and edit them so WYSIWYG. Once again, thank you for implementing Unity's post processing into KSP, it's really transformed the game visually perhaps almost on par with scatterer and EVE.
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