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Everything posted by CameronMan

  1. Thanks for the help! I do use Hamachi and turning off it's network worked! It did take two tries starting the game to work though. I should have known that annoying program was screwing me over, only reason it survives on my computer is because my annoying friends adore it. Thanks for the help! I can finally play!
  2. I really want to play KSP and enjoy it, but every time I start up the game I'm faced with a 5 minute loading time. 90% of this time is spent loading sounds and the different agencies in the game. This ridiculously long loading time is severely putting me off playing.
  3. Had that since 1.6, in general half the time nothing connects in 1.6. They really screwed something up.. You might be having the same problem as me. For some reason the command pod version of mechjeb isn't being counted as a way you can fly the ship. I keep getting the "You need at least one crew member to fly" error when attempting to launch.
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