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  1. Thanks Becouse its titanium and its heavly melted Im sure it fall from space. There is also one perfect micrometeorite impact crater. If You have time take a look at my post here http://www.meteoryty.pl/tytanowe-meteoryty-z-tytana-prawda-czy-mit/ There Im holding another fuel tank in 2007 and showing protos of my tank before I bough it I will most propably do any analyses of this material and maybe also check for cosmic radiation
  2. Hi It is mine alredy. Im in meteorite business and in 2007 in Tucson I have seen two of them being sold during mineral show. Now I purchased this one from Australia. For me its valuable as a funy item conecting man made item with meteorites. No markings on it. But as far as I know they was from the fallen Salyut 7 station. But this is all I know
  3. Hello Excuse me if I write in wrong topic. Im looking for more info about this titanium tank. Its most propably from Salyut 7 space station. But Im not sure and also dont know what was it for. Fuel tank ? Do You have any idea ? Its 13kg and 38cm diameter Thanks
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