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Everything posted by MysticTURBO

  1. i didnt give it a picture. no idea where crashy came from lol
  2. i have uploaded it to that site, how do i get it to you?
  3. i have improved it a little how do i upload craft file to here mod is shuttle lifting body through CKAN
  4. sorry CoL? i assume CoM is centre of mass, i have no payload only the airlock for payload area.
  5. I was trying to do it like in real life, they launch, roll 90 and then slowly fall onto its back before rolling again to jettison the main fuel tank. The mod i'm using is the add-ons for the mk3 sorry, so the OMS system, heat tiled wings and body, tail flap, boosters etc. I'm just jumping on now i will get a picture as best i can. then figure out how to get it on here haha MT
  6. I will grab some after work. What sort of images would be helpful?
  7. Hello all, after following the build up and launch of falcon heavy it has got me pumped to build a mk3 shuttle. I had a go last night using the mk3 mod but have a few issues I can’t seem to figure out. Could some kind soul help me out. - during launch with the correct fuel tanks etc the shuttle is unstable during corrections. As I try to roll shortly after takeoff it just pulls the shuttle way out of alignment and I end up with a terrible trajectory. - I haven’t made it to an orbit with it yet but when testing for landing I can’t keep the nose up, it just drops on me.i - also I’m having trouble with decouplers. One is not enough and various parts just flap about. What’s the best part to use to keep it rigid. i have mainly used the mod parts including engines etc. i don’t run any other mods currently as I don’t really understand ckan and what mods I can use with 1.3 thanks in advance for your help. MT
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