So I had a Apollo style mission to Ike where the CM was orbiting Duna at around 1.8 Million meters circularized with an Engineer and Scientist on board while I went off to land on Ike, now once I had landed on Ike re orbited the moon and went to leave it's SOI I noticed the CM was no longer orbiting Duna, I enabled every filter in the tracking station which didn't show anything, so I checked the astronaut complex which state that both Engineer and Scientist were KIA.
Is the stated orbit just high enough for the CM to have had it's orbit adjusted by Ike's SOI to put it on a suborbital trajectory with Duna? I only did a maximum of 3 orbits around Ike so I feel it might not be the case. Although I have noticed before the predicted SOI change doesn't always show up in the map view...
Mods Used - [x] Science!, Antenna Helper, BetterBurn Time, Docking Port Alignment Indicator, Gravity Turn, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Maneuver Node Evolved, MechJeb2, Module Manager, Toolbar Controller, Trajectories, Transfer Window Planer, TriggerAu Flags