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Everything posted by HMIMH

  1. First of all, thanks you so much for your detailed and kindness answer! I will try to explain as accurate as possible now. Everything you listed is right, rcs, good design, SAS on.. What I meant with "start spinning" is that I never could get roughly lined up. I mean, the two ships had their docking ports looking other sides like this pic from your guide. After reading your very useful guide (thanks, for real) I realized that, as I was in the tutorial, I could't move the other scenario-to-dock-in ship!! So it was nearly impossible align my vessel with the static (and uncontrollable) one. Thinking it now, it's easier to align them if I control one, then the other and I align them, not only one as I tried in the tutorial.
  2. Hello guys! I've been playing ksp and in 1 year I only did flies to Minmus and Mun. Now I wanted to build an ISS (no idea how yet) and learn docking. The tutorial docking scenario is EXTREMELY hard for me. There's no way I can dock, or stay on an asteroid. My vessel starts spinning around the objective pointing towards it. And if i'm lucky and I get to stay "stopped", the docking port is at other side. I mean, the objective is vertical and my vessel horizontal, and If i move it starts spinning again. Very frustrating i swear.. Sorry If it sounds very noob, im new here and i'd love to learn. Thanks!
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