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Everything posted by Muskat-Mix

  1. Trajectories for precise aerobreaking and landing Flight windows planner Kerbal alarm clock Docking port alignment indicator (not sure name is right) especially for big station docking Persistent Rotation FMRS when u like building reusable Boosters like space ex all mods with parts for reusability like landing legs, gridfin and better cold thrusters not big mods but i think they are pretty usefull.
  2. I got a problem with executing maneuver nodes via flight computer (remote tech ), which was done by principia flight planning. Flight computer recognize node and start burning in time and it also aim right maneuver node (blue). But it doesnt recognize delta v difference and burn whole tank empty. Is there a way to fix it ? I play with RO and RSS 1.22. A other thing are perfomance problems. With about 40 mods (all only by RO and RSS) my KSP was Stable. After few hours mybe ram shortage so restart and have fun again. Adding principia whole ram is full after a start ( no other flight and no debris). There are Freezes every 5 minutes even with low predictions via principia. Sorry my english is bad but i hope u understand my problem.
  3. I cant create standard maneuver node for remote tech flight computer with principia. How can i use flight computer in areas without connection.
  4. i downgrade ksp from 1.4 to 1.2.2 . After starting ksp everything is okay. Like expected version 1.2.2 is showed in menu. Problem is CKAN regognise still 1.4 . That cant be possible i deleted every other version and every old file of ksp before new installation. Readme.txt also showing 1.22. Then i thought i could force ckan to install realism overall and other mods i wanted which are compatible with 1.2.2 ( i already played with this mod before). But the mod manager say while loading, mods arent compatible with 1.4 and about 50 % of loading bar ksp crash. pls help
  5. thanks seems im blind or too many mod parts easy to overse it. i also not expected to be there. searched more in construction nodes
  6. hi i cant find shielded tanks in the comunity tech tree for RO RSS progression zero. The default,baloon and cryogenic types are pretty earlie in first tech nodes, but where is shielded one?
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