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  1. What an Amazing tool!! Great job my friend! I guess I'm late on this, but I have found yesterday this tool and just started paying with it. I have a question: once you have found a nice maneuver that gives you nice transfer to somewhere, let's say Kerbin -> Duna, how do you actually implement it? I mean, you create a new maneuver with correct DeltaVs, but there are two information that looks like they're missing. 1) I get true anomaly of the maneuver, but I have no way to know the true anomaly of the maneuver I'm creating... other then eyeballing it of course. You could fix this by using "Upload Maneuver to KSP" in "Time Past Peri." mode. And here come the second problem: 2) How do I know how many revolution I have to make before burning? Again, you could fix this click again and again the "+ orbit" button of your maneuver untill you get the clean encounter (for the few experiments I'v done it worked) but it doesn't sound like a nice solution. My question is: why no information about the theoretical Universal Time of the maneuver in the "Compute Departure Burn" is given? I really don't get it.. it tells me the departure time which really look more a kind of the starting point of the optimization window. Maybe a number of revolutions could be provided other then the True Anomaly and Time Past Peri. indications. Probably I'm just not using it the right way I guess... Cheers guys!
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