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  1. Humm... Seems like my kOS computers aren't utilizing the RCS modules attached to my rocket.. Excuse me for my nasty coding. It's because I'm kinda new to C# / kerboscript, since I have only coded in javascript before. Code is as follows: print "Initiating launch procedure". sas off. rcs on. wait 2. lock throttle to 1.0. until ship:maxthrust > 0 { wait 0.5. wait 1. stage. wait 2. stage. } wait 5. from {local pitch is 90.} until pitch = 45 step {set pitch to pitch - 45/10000.} do { print "Pitching to... " + pitch + " degreeds.". lock steering to heading(90,pitch). if pitch <= 45 { print "Gravity turn achieved.". lock steering to heading(90,pitch). wait until alt:apoapsis > 90000. lock throttle to 0.0. wait until alt:radar > 70000. global pitch is 90. lock steering to heading(90,pitch). } } lock throttle to 1.0. wait until alt:periapsis > 90000. lock throttle to 0.0. print "Orbit successfully created!". While some of this code is not tested yet (Because I edited it slightly in preparations for this post), the problem should still occur. It is when i want to pitch my rocket to heading(90,90) that it only steers the vessel when thrusting, but not with rcs or inline reaction wheels and so on. Any suggestions (Btw, I haven't found anything that solves my problem, so I am asking here).
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