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Everything posted by MindChirp

  1. Humm... Seems like my kOS computers aren't utilizing the RCS modules attached to my rocket.. Excuse me for my nasty coding. It's because I'm kinda new to C# / kerboscript, since I have only coded in javascript before. Code is as follows: print "Initiating launch procedure". sas off. rcs on. wait 2. lock throttle to 1.0. until ship:maxthrust > 0 { wait 0.5. wait 1. stage. wait 2. stage. } wait 5. from {local pitch is 90.} until pitch = 45 step {set pitch to pitch - 45/10000.} do { print "Pitching to... " + pitch + " degreeds.". lock steering to heading(90,pitch). if pitch <= 45 { print "Gravity turn achieved.". lock steering to heading(90,pitch). wait until alt:apoapsis > 90000. lock throttle to 0.0. wait until alt:radar > 70000. global pitch is 90. lock steering to heading(90,pitch). } } lock throttle to 1.0. wait until alt:periapsis > 90000. lock throttle to 0.0. print "Orbit successfully created!". While some of this code is not tested yet (Because I edited it slightly in preparations for this post), the problem should still occur. It is when i want to pitch my rocket to heading(90,90) that it only steers the vessel when thrusting, but not with rcs or inline reaction wheels and so on. Any suggestions (Btw, I haven't found anything that solves my problem, so I am asking here).
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