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Everything posted by SR1200 THUNDER

  1. hmmmmm...No help at all. Well, that's no help at all.
  2. Hi everyone! It's been a few months since I have posted. Recently I joined the master race! As I prepare to start a new Kereer, I am looking for suggestions about mods that will increase realism. Survival, cities, guidance, etc., etc., etc. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  3. The landing gear was the problem. They were perpendicular, but I didn't have extra gear near the midline. On a ship nearing 115 tons that wasn't a very smart design.
  4. Your advice helped greatly. Knowing that it wasn't a bug made me rethink what I was doing. After 4 or so hours of redesigning the craft from the ground up, I decided to add 2 more rear landing gear closer to the longitudinal mid-line and that ended up solving the problem entirely. I guess that the two landing gear assemblies placed farther out on the wings were allowing some torque across the body and introducing the yaw I was experiencing. I'm not really married to any specific part combinations, and had used so many different combinations it seemed pointless to say exactly what I had used. Because it started as a heavy lift SSTO, and along the way was changed piece by piece until it was an aircraft with most engines attached at one time or another. Right now, I am working on building an SSTO "bus" with enough dV to get out of the Kerbin system for training purposes. But, seriously, thanks. Just knowing that my problems were on my end, and not a fault within the software energized me to go back to the drawing board.
  5. Thanks for the input. My controllers are pretty new, but maybe it is getting worn anyway. I do put a lot of hours on them. Either way, it must not be a bug if it is happening only in my game. Something on my end or in my build is messed up.
  6. 1.) I have been watching some YouTube videos on SSTO flights. Some of the people show turning on fine controls in atmosphere for a more controlled flight without big/sudden changes. It is denoted by the pitch/roll/yaw indicators turning from and orange-ish color to a blue-ish one. Playing on an XBONE, I can't find any way to do this. Does anybody know if it is possible, and if it is, how is it done? 2.) This is a bit more tricky. Just screwing around with some plane designs, I was trying to make a heavy lift SSTO with the MK3 command pod. Once I took it to the runway, the controls IMMEDIATELY went hard right on the yaw. The engines were off, the SAS was off, I wasn't touching any stick surface. It just went full right yaw automatically. I tried numerous different designs and it was always the same thing with the MK3 components. Does anybody know why this happens, and/or how to account for this?
  7. Determining acceleration is a standard part of my pre-launch calculations. I have never bothered to take the extra step of figuring out how the mass changes over time during ascent. I never even really thought about it. WOW!!! First of all, let me say, thank you for taking the time to explain all of that to me. I won't lie, having just read it over once, it made my head spin! lol I am going to take some time to re-read all of that, and plug some gameplay numbers into your formulas and see if I understand everything. I might (probably) will have some follow up questions over the next couple of days.
  8. I don't think I can do that on console. I really need to join the master race. I apologize if I am making you do a lot of work, but thank you very much for helping me out. There is so much in this game that is either poorly explained, or not at all.
  9. Thank you for the clarification. I do try to build as efficiently as possible.
  10. lol, I meant asparagus staging. I'm an idiot.
  11. Calculating dV is easy enough in a single engine stage. But I am stumped when it comes to calculating it in a multi-engine stage. dV=Ve x LN(M0/M1) But how do I adjust that formula if I am using a Swivel engine with (2) Hammer SRB's for a small initial kick? (For the record, I am NOT building a craft with a swivel and 2 hammers, that was just a hypothetical since they use entirely different fuel sources.) How would I go about adjusting that formula in asparagus staging? Say I am using a Swivel as the center engine, and (2) reliant engines for their additional thrust as the outside engines? All three engines are burning at the same time, but they have different exhaust velocities, and are sharing fuel loads. This is a much more common problem for me, and (at the moment) requires me to over-engineer the craft because while I know it's going somewhere, I can never be sure where that ends up being.
  12. As per the "training" scenario in the menus, if my engine is crazy overpowered for the size of the craft, it says to limit the amount of thrust available in the VAB. That is why I go with the 1.3 TWR formula. But once on the pad, I absolutely run the throttle at 100%. Is that what you are talking about? If not, please explain more. Because sometimes I do get strange rotation variations in flight, even though I am using the exact same craft, with exact same settings and payload. And it is EXTREMELY frustrating to have a ship be stable when it stages, only to immediately be cartwheeling out of control back to the ground. Especially when that craft just made orbit, Minmus, the Mun, and returned without incident. I play on the hardest settings available to me, so no reverting flights, quick loading, or reanimated Kerbals. As for my tests with the original KSP on console, they might have been terribly flawed by poor rocket design. That version of the game was beyond broken, and I did not put too many hours into trying to figure out what was going wrong since every control and interface was poorly designed and implemented making even vehicle construction an absolute chore. I hope that you follow my next series of questions about calculating dV in a more complex rocket. Specifically spaghetti staging, utilizing different engines. I have so much to learn.
  13. Thank you for your reply. One of the exceptions needs to be "on console" It is just so clumsy trying to change parameters in flight without a mouse.
  14. Thank you for your reply. I figured it would have to be affected, but my KSP experience said otherwise.
  15. Thank you for your thorough reply. I was specifically talking about the ascent to space stages. Normally, I use a formula of ((mass x 1.3) X 9.81) in order to make sure that I have a good T.W.R.. This rarely requires that I burn the engine(s) at 100% efficiency. With the original KSP for XBONE, I found that the drag caused by over burning the engines could limit the altitude of a rocket by as much as 50%. At least as far as shooting straight up and down for testing purposes. I haven't bothered to re-test that theory in KSP: Enhanced Edition, but the rockets are still stable and orbit is achieved easily using my old formula. Plus, I don't have to worry about burning up the parachutes on ascent. With the introduction of KSP: Enhanced Edition, I started actually figuring out dV, and have been trying to make the craft as efficient as possible. It seemed logical to me, that the Isp would be affected by the amount of thrust being used. However, by adjusting the Isp in the dV formula, I found myself returning from the missions with entire stages of fuel left over. So, clearly, I am doing something wrong. This led to my question about Isp. I have other questions about figuring out dV in complex spaghetti staging. But that is a different question for a different thread.
  16. I don't know exactly where to post this, and I couldn't find my question answered through a search. I apologize if this is the wrong place, or if this question has been asked/answered before. So, my question is about an engine's Isp. If my stage is such that it requires less than 100% thrust, does the engine's Isp also decrease for the purpose of calculating dV? As a console peasant, I can't use mods, so I have to do things the old fashioned way. Hypothetically speaking, say my engine has an Isp of 100 (for round number purposes), but the mass of my craft only requires 60% engine output in order to thrust efficiently. Does that mean that the Isp would also be considered 60 for the purpose of calculating dV, or is the Isp a constant regardless of engine thrust percentages?
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