Hello there!
Today I came up with a rather weird, but cool, idea while derping around on the KSP Discord.
Have you ever wondered how it's possible that the Kerbals always are able to survive on each celestial body while they use the same exact spacesuit every time? No? Well I have. It's so weird how using the exact same spacesuit works, from Moho, where the surface temperature can get up to about 300°. This is where this suggestion comes in: upgrading suits. It would be kinda realistic if you start out on Science/Career mode with a very low level suit. Similar to ones we had during the Apollo era, that was only capable of going to the Mün/Moon, this would be a Tier I suit. This is where upgrades come in handy. When you upgrade your suits, more durability comes with it, for example: upgrading your suit from Tier I to Tier II makes you able to go to Duna, where it's pretty cold.
You would be able to upgrade your suit in the astronaut residence.
This is just my suggestion for suits, if anyone would make this a mod, I would be glad :).
Have a nice day.