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  1. Guys, what could be a problem with water landings? I never stop when I hit the water, instead I keep falling with opened chutes until I reach the ocean floor. My log file
  2. The version of x-Science installed by CKAN (5.11) works very laggy on my KSP 1.3.1 with RO/RSS/RP-0. I tried to replace the .dll file from this thread but after that x-science does not work (there're no more its buttons). My log file
  3. Please, could you share your GameData folder with the all working addons? I've spent 2 days to make RO/RSS work but still have the same problems you also had - "4 errors related to GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/RO_RCS_Config.cfg" and freezing on "FASA/Gemini2/FASA_Gemini_Centaur/LFE_Gemini_Transtage_Twin/FASAGeminiLFECentarTwin" Also Real Fuels works only from CKAN install. When I follow the instructions from the Bornholio's post the RF doesn't work at all.
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