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Posts posted by scotty

  1. Everyone is always like 'no combat is KSP!'.

    Seriously... THIS IS SO MUCH MORE AWESOME THAN EVEN I THOUGHT COMBAT WOULD BE! (nice designs for everything).

    P.S. How did you get everything to move autonomously? You make it look like this was done via multiplayer.

    probably switching quickly useing the [ and ] keys :P

  2. Hi all,

    Decided to introduce my self as i am now addicted to KSP. Im scotty your run of the mill do something and see what happens person. Turns out that ksp is perfect for this as i can buid very silly looking ships and see if they make it in to orbit. iv played quite a few sandboxish games such as minecraft and blockade runner. This game however is a welcome change, its still sandbox but provides challege. You lot will probably see me here and there doing this and that, im looking forward to sticking around and watching this game grow.

    see ya on the mun,


  3. Hi All decided to start posting any viable craft i create in this topic. At the moment i only have one half decent craft that is capable of making it to the Mun. more on the way!

    Mun Attempt: My first craft that is able to get in to a stable orbit and then shoot for the moon. At the time of posting i have not managed to get in to a munar my self but i have come close however.[i got close then managed to slingshot in to an orbit around the sun]. If you guys manage to land this thing on the mun let me know!

    More craft on the way as i create them

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