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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Ahhh ok.. that makes sense... yea I knew I could pass over the right latitude but I couldn't figure out how to get the longitude correct at the same time... all I have to do is wait.. thanks a lot
  2. I haven't been able to find a reasonably efficient solution for landing at coordinates that are not near the equator. I'm interested in knowing if there's a mathematical way to calculate how to adjust your orbit (starting from say an equatorial circular orbit) in order to path over a specific coordinate and then land there. For reference, I use mechjeb for informational purposes but not to aid in flying the ship in any manner. Thanks!
  3. How are you guys able to properly judge the ejection angle for your transfer burn when orbiting that low? With my lander, which uses a NERVA engine, my rocket would probably move through 100+ degrees... I've always launched up to 300km or so, so that the ejection angle changes little during the burn.
  4. Thanks for this great mod! Sorry if I'm retarded, but I have a question.. is there a way to set a parking brake? It keeps rolling away on me lol.
  5. Figured I would see how well I could do getting to Mun. For this trip, I used my highly reliable Coon Craft, a 168.7 ton general purpose ship. I suppose a better time could be had with a ship specifically designed for this mission. I know sub 4 hours is possible, so I expect someone to beat me soon Final time - 4:43:44 I included some screenshots that help show my thought process.. accelerating directly toward Mun to shorten the time until impact. http://imgur.com/a/PWDon
  6. "it depends" For example I was able to get a duna encounter just by eye-balling both angles, but I've heard that Jool takes more precision (haven't been there myself yet - been busy working on a different project) The ejection velocity is how fast you have to go, as it reads out on the nav ball. In reality this ejection velocity isn't important. It would be the exact speed you'd have to reach if you could apply an instantaneous "burst" of thrust up to that speed, but since rockets accelerate smoothly, the actual speed you're going when you see the encounter pop will be somewhat different. Another tip is to start your burn somewhat before the ejection angle. Since, once again, the rocket doesn't immediately get up to speed you need to give yourself some time to accelerate.
  7. Some screenshots from my mission today of traveling to the Neil Armstrong memorial on Mun. http://imgur.com/a/MwEgF
  8. Patq911, The phase angle is the angle between Kerbin and Duna with the vertex at the sun. You get there by time-warping before you launch until the planets are properly aligned. This is just like how in real-life the NASA scientists wait for certain launch windows before sending stuff to Mars. The ejection angle is the angle formed by a line extending along Kerbin's prograde direction of travel along its orbit and a line through the current position of your ship, with the vertex at the center of Kerbin. You get there by time-warping once you're in a circular equatorial parking orbit. This will be a much shorter time warp than the one to align the phase angle and won't screw up your phase angle. Your ejection velocity is the orbital velocity you need to accelerate to. You get there by firing up your engines while your nav-ball is pointed prograde until the display reads the desired velocity. To find these angles within KSP, you can use this plugin: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/21111-PLUGIN-0-17-AdamKSP-Show-Phase-and-Ejection-Angle-and-closest-approach-v0-5
  9. Last time I played, earth wasn\'t in this game. I\'m sure if it were, the orbit would be correct - which is very nearly circular.
  10. LOL... reading through this thread, I felt like I was actually - in the workshop - as we reinvented the wheel.
  11. Awesome calculator.. thanks so much! Hope to see you keep developing this and other addons
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