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Everything posted by Dragoro

  1. I LOVE Kerbal Space Program. I am 19. I am an Eagle Scout and this simple game has taught me so much. I am currently going to school to be a mechanical engineer hopefully moving into aerospace engineering after that. I have learned (albeit, I am not great at it) calculating DV and the TWR by hand. Using delta V maps I can plan out my ride smoothly (as long as I make the proper burns at the proper time). And now, I am just starting to touch basis with this stuff in college. To the team of KSP, thank you. this game is awesome. When I saw this new DLC being announced, I was ecstatic. now that I have seen some parts in action through shadow zone, Matt Lowne, and Scott Manly (and yes, many more), I can't wait the next three days to show what my creative genius can do. I saw Matt's apollo recreation and thought, I can make it look better. I can't wait to deploy the new rover wheels for Apollo 15 thru 17. While I couldn't buy this game before that date you gave and I sat on the wish list for about a year after it, nor have I been able to show my support through YouTube, I can now, and I think 15$ is the perfect price for this DLC and I will be glad to support the game developers in any way I can. Even if I have to deal with some bugs, that's ok. It gives me more of a Kerbal Experience and I can report it and help make the game better for everyone! Game Dev's, I look forward to this DLC and even though 15 will be (for me) not the greatest and easiest, I think for you guys it is more than worth it, and this way I can show my support to you! I can't wait to continue growing my video editing capabilities and show you the awesome space craft I make with your awesome new content. I wanted to ask though, will there be a Russian return capsule? the current one may work, but for current rocket designs that is a modual that is left behind to burn up when the astronauts return into the atmosphere. It feels like there is a lack of parts missing for the Lunar Lander on the lower half. could others be using the parts wrong or... Am I going to have to get creative?!?! (hint hint wink wink!!!). AS you may now, with 1.4 I found that I cannot EVA my kerbals. There is a temporary fix someone put out. It just uses the old command pod IVA to substitute for the new one and it works just fine. When will a release fixing that be coming out? Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart and my new knowledge and inspiration for becoming (hopefully, one day) A Aerospace Engineer!!
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