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Dr Killjoy

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Everything posted by Dr Killjoy

  1. Hey Guys, Ive been using CKAN here for a little over a year now, and I just decided to take the plunge and use it on my mac, but I cannot seem to get it to work for the life of me. I saw you guys had the new .dmg method for setting it up on Mac, but no matter where I ran CKAN from (as CKAN from downloads, applications, and KSP install directory. Or as KSP in install directory) it just opens a tab in my browser that's the out of date how to install on Mac page. I tried to run it again after installing Mono, but it just does the same things. Is there something I am missing? I looked thorugh this fourm page all the way back to Feb 28th, but I still didn't see anyone with a similar issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
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