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Everything posted by Rick1122

  1. Yes but when a start to docking them together the number gets higher. So i make one with 30 or 40. When a dock them. It gets 150 it gets lagi and with 200 its unplayable. But theres no update to fix that???
  2. Is there any upcoming update for ksp xbox one where they fix that 200 part framerate issue?? Cuz it really starts to anoying me. I cant even build i spacestation.
  3. Wow that sucks. I hope de game developer can fix it otherwise the need to add it in the discription.
  4. When i have high part count. 200 So i cant build a space station. The fps is like 10 its unplayable sometime the screen freez for 30 sec. Thats not normal right? The game suposed to handle that? Its like im playing on my computer. Is there a fix or something?
  5. Me either but on the xbox one. I dont get it. Xbox one cant handle the game?
  6. My xbox one fps goes down heavily when I play KSP Enhanced Edition. How is this possible and is this normal? Is there a solution? Because it is not playable.
  7. Mijn xbox one fps gaat zwaar omlaag als ik KSP Enhanced Edition speel. Hoe kan dit en is dit normaal? Is er een oplossing? Want het is niet te spelen.
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