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Posts posted by CSieg

  1. The May Monthly Bundle is featuring KSP as an early unlock.

    For those that don't know.  Humble Bundle has a monthly subscription program with a couple featured early unlocks that you can play right away if you purchase.  Then later on they release a bundle of indie games.  Usually the early unlocks are the "premier" games and the bundle is a grab bag of 5-10 of those smaller/cheaper indie games.

    It costs $12 a month and usually there is at least one game that is totally worth the price on its own.

  2. I dump stuff everywhere without regard, like a medieval peasant emptying my chamber pot out the window.  Never had any close calls.

    Do the random failures mods have a debris collision event?  As fun as an old fuel tank colliding with the space station would be, more likely that a thousand stray bolts (from when Jeb tripped over a tool box) will poke some holes in a solar panel.

  3. I think career gameplay inside the Kerbin system should remain the same.  I like that it's a bit of a struggle to get to the Mun the first time.  If you're new you get your failed rocket launch fun and if you're a veteran you get the challenge of designing rockets without aids when absolute precision really isn't needed.

    I also think that Delta-V stats are absolutely necessary when you start trying to go outside Kerbin's sphere of influence.  You can do it without, but most players will either give up or need to seek outside help.

    My opinion, add the following aids behind science nodes/KSC buildings/kerbal levels/etc:

    Thrust/weight ratios
    Transfer window planner
    Alarm clock


  4. I think multiplayer should be implemented.... just not how you are thinking of it.  Let me create contracts that other players can fulfill and will effect my save.

    "Jeb is crash landed on Duna.  500k to bring him back home to Kerbin."  If you accept, CSieg's Jeb will be spawned in your game.  Bring him home and you get rewarded just like any other contract.  I get a notification that you saved him, my money disappears, and he disappears from Duna and spawns back in my available roster.

    There's your multiplayer... and we just made a positive impact on the lackluster contract system.

  5. I might buy the DLC in the future, but it would need some updating.  The key feature is the mission builder, which is a great idea but with terrible execution.

    How I think it can be improved:

    -Add user created missions to contact window on career

    -Allow other players to rate contracts on difficulty and overall quality

    -Organize contract offers to make sense for in game progress, with top rated missions jumping to the top

    -Incorporate reputation reward for mission builders, maybe use it as a multi player currency

    -Be able to create single use contracts that actually effect your world.  (Offer 300k and 50 reputation for somebody to put your probe into Duna orbit)

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