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Posts posted by Angustino

  1. On 12/16/2018 at 8:42 PM, raidernick said:

    Just a quick update note for everyone. I know I said I wasn't planning on making a 1.4.x release but since 1.5.x dependencies are still not finished and the release itself has many issues I was convinced by the rest of the team to just go ahead and make a 1.4.x release as everything for that is currently ready. So some updates will be made on github shortly(maybe) and once all the testing and such is done for that it will be released. After that we will either then totally focus on 1.5.x or skip it for 1.6(which i hear is coming out soonish?).

    I´d love to see it made compatible for 1.6 since RAM performance has been improved.

  2. I really tried to find anything related to my problem but I couldn´t. I am playing on 1.3.1 with RSS, RO, RP-01. I installed SSTU- with PBR , TU,  KSP Wheel and Community Resource Pack.

    Some of the parts textures aren´t showing. Plus I seem to have a bug where when I´m in the Editor and have the Shuttle Fueselage selected and right click it, I cannot click anything outside the little options window that opens.

    Also tried deleting the Module Manager cache and part.cfg


    I hope someone can help. Thanks in advance




  3. I have a problem for which I couldn´t find a solution yet. I have RO for 1.3.1 and the KK Launchers pack for 1.3.0. Yet the configs provided by RO just seem to cover the configs for Falcon 1. Did I miss something?

    I was wondering if there are configs for all the Space X rockets included in the pack, since I have seen other people use them with RO.

  4. Hi! I don´t know if this problem has been adressed in the past, but I couldn´t find anything about it.

    I´m playing on 1.3.1 and have all dependencies installed. I can pick the probes in VAB and build a rocket, but when I´m on the launchpad I only get a single action group for the probe.

    The rest of the rocket is uncontrollable. I only have problems with the US probes. Installed it with ckan and reinstalled it manually. Did not help.

  5. 10 minutes ago, VITAS said:


    yes, someone posted the official dlc. we removed it as soon as possible.

    Any site problems arent related to that.

    i had no problem loading the site today.

    if there are specific urls not working please tell me.

    We can load the site itself including all the mods listed on it. But whenever we press Download we get "500 Internal error".

    This also affects downloads via CKAN.

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