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Everything posted by SpudGunMcGee

  1. Quick Update. After installing the latest virus definitions Windows Defender has stopped detecting the file as a threat. My current definitions version is 1.263.1654.0. I hope this helps and that it stays fixed.
  2. @Wrench Head Have you tried scanning it with other reputable virus software? Virus Total comes up clean, WDSI says its clean. Its most likely not infected. As to the EULA and terms, have you read them to completion yourself? If not you can't really comment on their validity or blame others for not doing.
  3. I am also still having issues with windows defender, if you still want to play the game you can add the KSP install folder to the exclusions until this is fixed. Below are some screenshots verifying that this is still the case.
  4. Yeah you're probably right BAPBAP, i did a virus total of Assembly-CSharp.dll in both the 64 bit and 32 bit ksp files. Came up clean. https://www.virustotal.com/ui-public/#/file/1e9581f1fd73b33f8882dd0ac505736a7dfc0a96283a99755919e5f3004e0bfa/detection
  5. I am also experiencing this issue. Its most likely a false positive but i'm concerned that maybe a file was infected on one of the devs PCs or something before uploading to steam.
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