Thanks for explain, I already knew that, but the deepening is great (I have also all pinout of my arduino in pdf), but I was talking about button like the action groups, RCS, SAS : what pin is who
After this I will try the connect my 20*04 display
It's again me, I reread the code one more time but I don't understand where put le wires, there are numbers many times, there is three 0 so one is for digital and one is for analog but the third ?!
Yup thanks, I read it but the green light, stay after the shutdown and the throttle stay at 1/4 I can't put it to 0
Ps : How do you adjust the throttle by the linear resistor ?
@Freshmeat Thanks for the welcome,
I followed the instructions, I put demo16 on my Mega2560 and put the KSPSerialIO folder on GameData, I modify the XML and connect the leds but anything happen
I finish the first part of my KSP controller, wich is basicly sixteen buttons who are wired to an arduino, I saw the KSP Serial IO project I download the files but I don't understand what I must do with the files. Thanks