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Everything posted by mobiledriller

  1. I have been playing KSP since 0.90. It is still my go to game. Thousands of hours played over the years. I think I have posted like 3 times on the forums total in that time so this is a rare post for me. I was extremely excited about the mission builder that was announce in Making History. While I am not knocking it, to me it is a feature I never use. I enjoy playing in career mode and do so exclusively. So of course I was disappointed when I found out it was a stand alone thing, not something which could be used in career mode. My one hope that they would incorporate into the base game is allow the player the ability to create their own missions or at least contacts in career mode. Yes, I know there will be people exploiting it. But for someone like me it would allow me to not only build the crafts, explore the areas, challenge myself, but would take the randomness out of the contracts and allow me to progress my space program in any direction I want. Ideally having a fully fleshed out mission which allow optional tasks to be done if able would be nice, but just the ability to define "place relay satellite in this defined orbit" then I could define how well paying or not it is. Mostly I don't like getting stuck with whatever random missions happen to pop up and choose the best of what is out there. Cheating? Eh. Its my game, I play it my way. I find often there are exploits to the current system too. I might make the feature off by default, but allow it to be available just like plasma blackout, etc. If I could ever find time between working and household task I was going to create a mod to expand upon contract configurator to do just that. I'll get off the soap box now but boy if the devs could put that in I would be some kind of thrilled.
  2. I have been playing KSP since before 1.0. I enjoy all the mods which make my KSP more functional and well rounded. My hats off the the authors of Remote Tech, TAC LS, DMagic various mods, KAS, KIS, Contract Configurator, to name a few. I enjoy the challenges and accomplishments I have overcome or completed with KSP. So when KSP released plans for the first DLL that included more parts, mission builder, etc I really got excited. How it would be implemented was not really fully detailed. It was my belief that I would be able to load up KSP, enter mission builder in my my career game and detail a full flight mission, and then build a vessel to complete that mission. Of course that did not happen. While I do not regret buying the DLL, its just a parts thing for me now. The mission building is kind of useless for my play style as I prefer to spend my time in my career game. I really have enjoyed Contract Configurator. In general I don't mind the random missions coming up. But there has been this itch that has bothered me for some time about the way KSP handles missions. It has been a while since I was serious about writing code having gotten more into just playing the game. I am seriously considering writing or at least attempting to write a mod for KSP to be able to start creating my own missions in career mode and make them available, then I could accept them on the spot and then executing them. I may well be the only fool interested in this type of mod. So the real reason for this post is to find out if anyone else would be interested in using a mod such as this?
  3. I was looking forward to the Making History DLC and the prospect of adding missions to my career mode game. Clearly this is not possible. I would have purchased the DLC either way just to keep development of the game going, but to me the mission builder is useless as I only play in career mode. It would have been nice to know in advance that this would be a separate aspect of the game outside of career mode. As it was I like many other was here eagerly awaiting and watching the live feed with Scott Manley waiting for the DLC to drop only to find the store was broke 10 seconds after launch (presumably from the overload). If I knew this would not be of any benefit to me except extra parts I would have not bothered bogging down the server and waited a day or so to buy the thing. I am still playing on my with a heavily modded 1.3.1 game. The mod makers who do such great work are still trying to catch up to 1.4.1. Until they do I will wait patiently and proceed on my current game. My hopes for an easier way to do thing other than Contract Configurator. Don't get me wrong I love what Nightingale has done. I use that mod in preference to the stock unpredictable contract system. I guess I was hoping the Mission Builder would offer me a different and more relevant mission selection. I frequently read the latest news posted on the site, read the forums some, and have not once posted on the forums until today. I actually signed up today just to post in the hopes that SQUAD can understands its customer base. I do not have a desire to do multiplayer and prefer to play at my pace my way. I do not feel the desire to share a mission I built just to see if others can complete it. I am sure there is a market for that but I am not in the demographic. If this is the bulk of your customer base you should build for them and I will just take what I can get from Mod makers or the like. But I am the solo player that likes the complications the TAC-LS, RemoteTech, and enable the g forces, etc to make it more difficult. If you would be so kind as to disclose next time that its basically a stand alone thing not a career mode DLC next time you release one please.
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