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Duke Flipchart

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Everything posted by Duke Flipchart

  1. Update: I just installed the Community Tech Tree mod, researched the cluster mounts, and now they do appear. Weird! But, problem solved. By the way, this mod is some amazing work. Congratulations and thank you Nertea.
  2. Yes, I am! Could have mentioned that. Do you think that is the problem? I thought it might be, but I thought it would be weird if the version mismatch only affected certain parts.
  3. hello friends! I seem to have some kind of issue with Near Future Launch Vehicles. For some reason, the engine mounts (NR-M4 and NR-M6) are not showing up in the in-game parts list. Everything else seems to be there, the huge NF and EA tanks, engines, Mondo docking port... just not the engine mounts. I checked the mod files and I see that they are supposed to be in the Structural category... but they're just not there in the game. I also tried searching for their name directly in the parts list - nothing found. Does anyone have an idea of what I might be doing wrong?
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