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Santiago F.

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    For my future, I am interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. The College I want to go to would be Rice, Princeton, MIT or O.U.. I love building PCs and WWI and II models. I love gaming. I love science and history, mainly WWI and WWII history. I would like to become a historian as a side job/hobby later on. I love hunting and fishing. I also love shooting at the range, and fencing, which I use to do.

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  1. I have an update out actually now. It can be downloaded here: https://spacedock.info/mod/2506/Next Star Industries

    1. Santiago F.

      Santiago F.

      Oh thank you, I have not visited the KSP forum for a while so I never noticed the update lol.

  2. Aw sweet, I can't wait for that to release, thanks for the info. I loved your mod as I really liked to mess around with some of the stuff and build bombers and sattalites that could launch the nuclear warheads.
  3. I know this comment is years late, but I am forced to run 64 bit because 34 bit crashes when I play it with mods installed. 64-bit does not crash on me at all actually, so It is better for people who play with mods.
  4. I have been playing KSP for nearly a month now, just created this profile so I could talk about mods and such. The KSP community is great, full of amazing mods and people, and I hope to get to know you.

  5. Will this work with KSP 1.4? I know you won't update it for 1.4, so I want to know if it will still work.
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