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Everything posted by ketchupsaucerer

  1. I had a look at the craft file and changed a few nitpicky details (central engine Gimbal locking, retro thrusters, etc.) exhaustive list below: craft file link 1st and 2nd stage central engines Gimbal Locked retro thrusters on 1st stage (sepratrons just below engine-mount and 53% thrust LES's inside bottom mount) Service module RCS thrusters offset from the centre platform before ladder on LDV constructed with an SP-S06 panel and 2 x EAS-4 strut connectors the docking ports on LAV and Command Pod changed to docking port JR's atop command pod, DPJR, TS-06, LES stack with LES offset down 1 'notch' with the move tool attempt made to replicate MLP-2 with 4 Launch stability enhancers low down on the first stage (under the engine mount) with two at ~30% and ~90% on one side of the first stage to fill out space and mimic the MLP-2
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