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Everything posted by pit_muc

  1. The nice thing about this game is, that you don\'t have to calculate anything to get wherever you want. Still it is accurate enough that you CAN calculate the orbit mechanics if you like. I have a degree in physics and even took an introductory class in space technology, so I like the calculations, but I landed on the mun before I started to calculate anything.
  2. Sadly I have to pull out of the campaign. I currently just don\'t have the time to continue. Thanks togfox for doing all this. All of you who continue, have fun and good luck.
  3. OK great. I first read Jaminis post and thought 'what\'s he talking about, polar orbit is simple with that budget'.......then I realised my mistake. That way it really is a challenge again.
  4. Just for clarification, the LFE-small from tech level 2 is the LV-909 or lander engine, not the LV-T45, right?
  5. So do I. But that\'s also a reason why I would prefer it if nobody posted solutions before the deadline is over. That way everybody has to think and try for themselves. If a working design is posted, people might use that instead of developing that brilliant idea nobody had before. Don\'t get me wrong, by all means publish all or some selected submissions, but do so after everybody had their go. Maybe togfox could even award some prize for the most ingenious/crazy/kerbal design.
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