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Peaceful Guy

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Everything posted by Peaceful Guy

  1. Thank you for these kind and valuable advices, really appreciate You right, I made this craft for being my first space station in career mode and also for a contract that requested me to get a station around the mun with 7 kerbals. The contract requested me to have 1000 MP units in the station (and also 4000 of liquid fuel!), so I planned to dock at least more 250 MP units, and some liquid fuel in a future launch. Yes, I've noticed that but I think that's not about drag since the station was difficult to handle even in vaccum (without RCS) so my easiest solution was to add another reaction wheel which fixed that issue. Well, that made me laught because I realized that all the hard work and testing I made trying to put parachutes around the center of mass of each booster thinking gaining money was a waste of time, efficiency... and money. I'll give FRMS a try thanks for the tip For information I reached with this craft LKO (80k x 80k) with 2260 m/s of dV left, notice that I didn't use RCS during the launch. But I'm defenitivly interested in your upgraded version if possible. Thanks again dude
  2. Maybe I tweaked a little bit the craft while searching the issue but its definetivly not that. Try if you want to remove all the boosters and reset a proper x6 configuration, you'll see that the issue will still be there. For sure
  3. - kerbal engineer - x science - mechjeb - mission control on the go - kerbal alarm clock - transfer window planner - docking port alignement indicator - some parts are from the making history expansion pack
  4. http://www.mediafire.com/file/6o1si9doiqki63l/Spaceinstitute_1.craft I'm waiting for your analysis
  5. After a bunch of tests and a couple of hours I finally found that this particular craft is glitched. Dont ask my how, I dont even know. But it seems that the second couple of boosters were acting as they were the first ones so they are empty first. The game noticing that at the very end of the first ones whitch were supposed to be empty, speeded up the display of lowering fuel so they appear empty at the same time. The funny thing is that the engines were still burning even with empty fuel tanks, and when decoupled they were magically turned off. Look at the video here: The solution was to decouple them as they turn empty and not to wait until the engines are off. Thank you anyway guys
  6. Hi everyone, I'm here because I have an issue I'm used to my launchers using parallel symmetry liquid fuel boosters using power lines between the boosters so that those are going down gradually two by two, and I connect the last two boosters with the central fuel tank so that one empties last after having dropped all the boosters. I made a video to illustrate: https://youtu.be/3V-ctPXO-Ck I had a problem using larger tanks and thrusters, the first two pairs of boosters begin to empty properly but just in the end the second ones empty faster than the first ones so that they end up dry at the same time! Here's the video: https://youtu.be/IFgPQMaadMg For information: - the first video I used double tanks FL-T800 and a thruster "swivel" for each booster - the second video where I have the problem I used double tanks FL-TX1800 and "skipper" thrusters - I tried to put double power lines from the first pair of boosters to the second pair of boosters so that the first ones are empty faster: Same result - I tried to add a line from the first pair of booster to the central fuel tank: Same result. Can someone explain to me what's going on ?????
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