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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Got the craft to launch altitude (10k+) and let fly WITH SAS ON (pretty important for the first-stage craft) and could hold a higher altitude. It\'s got a pretty thin band of altitude it can function at but that\'s rpetty conducive to balance. Once it got going it worked pretty well.
  2. Great job, Johnny. Glad to see this project post-release. I\'m also pretty surprised with what people have done with the craft. It\'s a pretty narrow, non-adaptable system but people are still adding stuff like standardized launch and recovery. Here\'s to hoping you can develop a more modular system with room for control surfaces, parachutes and gear.
  3. I primarily intended the legs for 1.75 meter or 2 meter tanks. Stock 1 meter tanks won\'t fit the legs too well. Its just the nature of attachment points on KSP, you can only have one, so having a wide part connecting on the sides means its not going to fit smaller stuff. They also have an extra wide node collider. I\'d guess that a parts ability to stay connected to your ship depends on how in contact the collider is with the part its attached to. Try out some of the parts from the NovaPunch remix pack, thats what these legs are designed for. It also has narrow fixed legs that should solve some of your problems. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4180.0 I\'ll see if I can\'t up the connection strength of the heavy landing gear some more.
  4. This is my second modelling attempt and first release. I haven\'t dove deep enough into the KSP SDK to know much about plugin dev so I\'ll be working in stock part classes for now. These are wider set, higher-strength landing gear suited to high gravity landings or heavy craft. Param wise they have the same impact tolerance as sunday punch\'s huge landing strut part. They aren\'t quite as strong but their wide structure reduces axial roll when you land while moving sideways, so they\'re less likely to tip out from under you. I\'m working on the config files right now. The UV unwrap is only partially done and the parts just textured with gobbledygook at the moment. I also need to make some adjustments to the anchors so that they actually appear to go into the body instead of sticking out. Any feedback on what I\'ve got so far? Does it need any param tweaking? Any advice on the model or collision boxes?
  5. Only if their crash tolerance is fairly high, I\'d think. You\'d need to balance the door joints to resist impacts from normal landings but be torn off at high speed in the deployed state. So I guess it\'s a matter of balancing drag and impact tolerance. Has anyone thought about doing a bulkhead with attachment points for the wobbly rockets revamp farings? You can already build a decent detachable, two-sided nose faring of arbitrary length. If the bulkhead part just rotated its attachment nodes then you;d have an instant door.
  6. It certainly looks more in line with the other standard parts. I always thought the ASAS looked kind of out of place.
  7. I\'m working on this now. Though for the sake of me not worrying about animation for now I\'m planning on deriving them from landing gear (done) I eventually want to make them work only off of a custom bind, especially if people want to activate the brakes without putting down landing struts. I know C# but I don\'t even know where to start, or how to access KSP\'s functions,so I\'m sort of high and dry at the moment.
  8. I\'ve been playing around with landing legs recently on a personal project. I found out a few things about landing leg params: negative angle ranges don\'t crash the game or anything but it does bug out. The landing legs start out open, then you hit G once and they stay the same, the next time they flash closed, then open etc. Sign of the rotation axis does make a difference it seems. When set to 0,0,1 fromt he standard 0,0,-1 the angle was negated, right now I\'m trying to figure out how to make a leg deploy up/rotate in the opposite direction but my testing so far doesn\'t seem to indicate negating the vector will do it.
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