I'm currently playing in 1.3.1 with RO/RSS. I have installed only the required mods. I followed all directions explicitly and have the game working. But I'm experiencing an issue that I can't troubleshoot with parts not showing up from this mod. If I load one of the pre-built craft files I see the error suggesting I'm missing parts. However, I am still able to actually load the craft with all parts showing. If I then go to launch the craft I receive this error.
If I search for these parts in the part list there are no where to be found. Any idea what mistake I am making? I installed all mods directly from the links provided on RealismOverhaul thread.
EDIT: It appears that the boosters are still showing as LO/Oxidizer instead of RealFuels. Is there a conflict with RF? I've searched through this thread but can't find a clear answer that makes sense to me.
EDIT2: I'm a dumb. I didn't realize it added a new tech tree branch. Unlocked that. All is working again. Sorry for wasting your time! I assure you I feel very stupid.