You're seeing a bug in 1.4.2, and it has nothing to do with any mods you (once) had installed. (I play on a completely unmodded version, and I'm seeing the same thing.)
Here's what's going on. It used to be you'd only see "Contract Complete" (if the whole contract was finished) or "Contract Parameter Complete" (if you'd fulfilled one of the contract conditions) if there was a reward involved (funds, science, or reputation), which meant you'd only see the message once (since you can't get the reward for completing the contract - or a "rewarding" contract parameter - more than once).
The bug (hopefully accidentally) set it so that literally all contract parameters being completed are being displayed, regardless of whether or not they give a reward. Which means you are being spammed with all of those "contract checkpoints" that have to be verified before anything that gives a reward can be given. So, for example, if you have three contracts that "require the craft to maintain stability for 10 seconds" than any time you switch to a craft and maintain stability for 10 seconds, you'll see "parameter fulfilled" spam for all three contracts.
That's what you are seeing in your second picture. No doubt the "test the Rhino" contract requires the craft with the Rhino to "be in orbit." So when you switch to *any* craft that is in *any* orbit you are seeing it tell you you fulfilled the "be in orbit" requirement of your "test the Rhino" contract. Of course, that's totally useless, because most likely the craft you just switched to does not have a Rhino on board (which is another parameter of that contract).
At the moment it seems the only option is just to delete all the spam the moment you switch to any ship, which is extremely tedious, but if you don't, you'll soon have hundreds (if not thousands) of those messages in your little "alert" area (all of which you'll eventually have to delete) - especially if you are doing a lot of switching between ships and have a lot of contracts with "minor checks" like "be in orbit" or "maintain stability" currently active.
For what it's worth, it looks like completely fulfilling the contract stops at least the spam from that particular contract (since that contract isn't checking any of the little minor things any more).
Also, this doesn't seem to be affecting the contract actually giving a reward; mine have been rewarding normally.
Naturally, I hope they fix this soon - the spam is extremely annoying, to say the least.