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  1. Hello. KSP Serial IO is a great piece of work and has enabled universe of awesome panels!

    I'm trying to search through the forums to see what the current status is of Windows 10 support. The SpaceDock says that it only works in one direction .. but it seems that individuals have had mixed luck getting it to work.

    I was thinking that perhaps one way to work around any flakey serial port stuff would be to have the plugin use UDP instead. A UDP connection could be made to a delegate stand-alone process on the same machine ( This delagate could then live in a world outside the constraints of Unity. There could be OS specific delegates, or maybe a python program that used PySerial that could work on multiple platforms. One nice benefit is that the delegate could be modified by end-users to help debug and calibrate their panels.

    I'd be interested in helping make this happen but I also understand the challenge of making a new branch.



    1. zitronen


      Yes this is a good idea, I wanted to do something like this for a while but didn't have the time. The UDP client can then send data to as many serial devices as you want using native serial libraries, and not have to deal with unity. @DrMarcel made something similar for android, maybe you can have a look at this code.


  2. Hello! Just ordered stuff to basically copy Hugo Peeters panel as featured in Make Magazine. For fun I've also ordered a Lattice semiconductor FPGA eval board to delegate some of the switch I/O and control to make the Arduino code even easier. Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if someone could bring me up to speed with the story on Windows 10. Does the latest version work bi-directionally? Do I need to mimic a keyboard? I apologize if this is a real newbie question .. I've searched around the forum and couldn't quite get the full picture on Win10 compatibility. Thanks!
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