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Everything posted by Flachzang

  1. First of all: Very nice mod that does exactly what it promises without hurting the FPS at all, at least for me. However, apart from the actual BLO mod I would like to talk about a more general issue in regards to the water in KSP. It's a visual glitch that once seen can not be unseen and therefore really annoys me. The problem is hard to describe but it is visible on the second screenshot from JadeOfMaar here on the first page of the thread: When the camera is in low altitude above the water a thin "area" is visible on the water, which has a different color from the surrounding water. That area also moves with the camera and varies in size which depends on the angle and zoom of the camera. I hope you guys see it on the screenshot and understand what I mean. If not, then I can edit a marker on the screenshot, too. That glitch has nothing to do with this mod because it's also there in vanilla KSP but I thought maybe somebody here know the reason for this issue. By the way, when using the scatterer mod the bug is not visible. Unfortunately, scatterer hurts my FPS way too much to use it even if I only enable the necessary alternative ocean shaders of the mod. Oh well...I wish there would be an easy fix for that
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