Hi all, first post here!
So, I'm in career mode, with the majority of the tech tree unlocked (rapiers etc, but no MK3 spaceplane parts yet...)
I have a rather large assembly plan for a rather large multi purpose space station.
SoI need a cost effective (hopefully reusable for realism) LKO capable vehicle with the largest cargo capacity possible. Any ideas?
Options thus far and their problems:
1. SSTO - probably with rapiers, but these are hard to design, and cargo capacity seems limited unless I go massive, and I mean massive
2. Recoverable booster (spacex style) - design wise this should be easier, with optimal cargo capacity, however landing the damn thing is a fair task... I have a mechjeb available (landing guidance) which could work, but surely I would need a mod to fly multiple ships at the same time. I'm willing to try my hand at KOS if it would work?
Which of my two options is the best way forward, and how best to implement this in ship and mission design and execution? Or is there an option I haven't though of?