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  1. I've got the patch but keep getting this error when trying to use krpcmj. krpc.error.RPCError Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object Server stack trace: at krpcmj.krpcmj.Biome () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 StackTrace: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python36_64\lib\site-packages\krpc\client.py:140 in Client._invoke <string>:1 in <lambda> Got any idea what i'm doing wrong?
  2. Hey, that is the most important things!, Really wasn't looking forward to coding the maneuver planner, especially for interplanetary transfers.
  3. For your new plugin, what kind of timeframe are we talking about? And where can I subscribe for news? If we are talking about this month, might not be worth me fudging with the old one. If not, i wouldnt mind hosting a binary if I could get it working.
  4. Cool, the code is just trying to create a client library for C#. The code i'm using (trying in python as I can't get the client lib compiled) is import krpc; # Import Library conn=krpc.connect() # Setup Connection mj=conn.krpcmj # save a lot of repetetive typing sc=conn.space_center mj.apvessel=sc.active_vessel #assign apvessel for krpcmj vessel = conn.space_center.active_vessel vessel.name = "My Vessel" flight_info = vessel.flight() print (sc.active_vessel.orbit.periapsis_altitude) mj=conn.krpcmj print (mj.ascent_ap)
  5. Is kIPC still working for you guys in 1.4.1? I would like to brige kOS and kRPC (kRPC is easier to do Math in and it feels more "SPACY" to use KOS for actual control / execution)
  6. I'm trying to use the krpcmj addin on 1.4.2, i can get the .dll to compile using djungelorm 's pull request. What i cannot do is use any function of the addon in Python, I get an Object not referenced error. Can someone help point me in the right direction to fix this? I compiled using Visual Studio Community 2017 and referencing the required assemblies from my KSP install. I'm targeting .NET 4.5, could that be it? Also when I try to create the client library for C# im getting this: c:\Python27\Scripts>krpc-clientgen.exe -o krpcmj.cs --ksp=C:/users/Administrator/Desktop/ksp csharp KRPCMJ C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/krpcmj-master/krpcmj/bin/Release/krpcmj.dll Error: Unhandled Exception: KRPC.Service.ServiceException: In service SpaceCenter: Service does not exist, when loading class at KRPC.Service.Scanner.Scanner.HandleError(IList`1 errors, String context, Exception exn) at KRPC.Service.Scanner.Scanner.GetServices(IList`1 errors) at ServiceDefinitions.MainClass.Main(String[] args)
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